5 astuces pour ne plus avoir à s’ajuster

5 tips to stop having to adjust

Jan 26, 2024

You only need to walk 5 minutes down the street to catch one of your fellow human beings “ getting back into place ”... And almost all of us, without exception, are confronted with this.

Contrary to many theories, it is neither a fixation nor an obsession with our penis or our testicles, but rather a guarantee that nothing has disappeared...

The readjustment is the direct consequence of total discomfort when our precious things are not in the right place or literally stuck where they should not be, not to mention the penis that ends up on the left when we wear on the right, etc. If a lot of guys don't even realize when they readjust (we've been doing it since we were kids), many are aware that it is not socially acceptable!

There are a few tricks to avoid being caught in the act because the hasty adjustment only has a very temporary effect. To be in a good position again, you have to go for it, and there is no question of letting yourself go in public (in principle...).

Here are 5 tips to keep your hands off your package and maintain your reputation as a classy, ​​well-mannered man.

Source identification

Readjustment is a consequence, so you have to understand the source to act! Is it a question of bad placement, itching, is it most often when I do sports, when I am sitting, at any time... Questioning yourself allows you to become aware, therefore to act!

Discretion required!

The simple and furtive readjustment, the one that does not require a big intervention, can support a risk-taking in public. The idea is to reposition yourself using a movement that a priori has nothing to do with it, like pretending to rummage in your pocket, sitting down, crossing your legs.

Find a discreet corner

When the terrible feeling comes, find a secluded place to put everything back in its proper place! The toilet is always a very good option, because that's also where this place is made for! and when you leave, wash your hands!

Hygiene and maintenance

Many people maintain their bundle with a razor or clippers… Regrowth can be itchy if not done properly… In the morning, also using talcum powder to avoid the sticky feeling can help.

Change underwear

Too tight, too loose? This may seem obvious but the choice of underwear is key, and too many men seem to neglect it! Remember to wear underwear adapted to your size and especially to your anatomy as Akinom offers with its ergonomic Front Nest pocket.

Tell yourself that what is perceived as cute when we are little, is no longer cute at all once we have passed into adolescence and adulthood! That generally people see you and that no one wants to see that... So free yourself from untimely adjustments and occupy your head and hands with something else!

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